Top 6 Ways to Get Gold in Hero Wars

Gold in Hero Wars is one of the most important resources, it’s essential for upgrading your heroes, enhancing artifacts, and more. Whether you’re a new player or a seasoned veteran, knowing the best ways to accumulate gold can significantly improve your game experience.

In this blog, we’ll explore the top 6 ways to get gold in Hero Wars.

1.    Emerald Exchange

The Emerald Exchange is often the first place players encounter to get gold. While it’s a way to get gold, it’s not the most efficient. Spending emeralds here gives you a small amount of gold and isn’t worth it for the cost. It’s recommended to do this once per day to complete your daily Emerald exchange quest, but don’t rely on it for significant gold accumulation. Limit your spending here and focus on more lucrative methods.

2.    The Tower

Available to players at level 15, the Tower is a reliable way to get gold daily. When you first do the Tower, you must fight enemies on different floors, but at level 130, you get an instant clear option. Completing the Tower daily can reward you with substantial gold, Tower coins, and items. The Tower’s reward can add up to 400,000 gold, plus additional gold from soul coins not used for buffs. Aim to maximize your gains by completing the Tower daily and utilizing the soul coins wisely.

3.    Selling XP Potions

Once you reach level 130, XP potions become unnecessary. These potions accumulate quickly through daily activities and missions. Selling your excess XP potions can yield a significant amount of gold. For instance, a large stash of XP potions can provide enough gold to last for weeks, making this method highly effective for veteran players.

Regularly check your inventory and sell excess XP potions to maintain a healthy gold balance.

4.    Event Participation

Participating in weekly events can be a goldmine. Some events give you boxes containing gold, hero souls, and other valuable items. These events are particularly beneficial if you need to collect hero souls or skin stones. Opening these boxes during the right events can net you millions of gold, making event participation a crucial strategy for gold accumulation. Focus on events that offer hero soul boxes, as these can contain large amounts of gold. Plan your participation around these events to maximize your gold earnings.

5.    Titan Valley

Participate weekly in tournament of elements at Titan Valley. When the week ends you collect valuables including gold, emeralds and elemental tournament certificates.

If you manage to rank higher the reward increases according to position. However, just by participating you are guaranteed 400000 gold, 50 emeralds and 2 elemental tournament certificates.

Strive to participate it the tournament so that you don’t miss out on the rewards.

6.    Titan Soul Shop

The Titan Soul Shop is by far the best way to get gold. Once you have a Titan at absolute star, you can trade extra soul stones for Titan Soul coins. These coins can be used to buy gold, Sparks of Power, or Titan potions. Regularly farming Titan souls through the dungeon and spheres ensures a steady flow of soul coins, making this the most lucrative gold-gaining method in Hero Wars. Engage in dungeon runs and sphere openings to farm Titan souls and maximize your gold earnings.

Advanced Tips for Maximizing Gold Earnings

Optimize Daily Activities Ensure you complete all daily activities that reward gold. This includes Tower runs, event participation, and daily quests. Consistency is key to accumulating significant amounts of gold over time.

Strategic Spending Prioritize spending gold on essential upgrades and avoid unnecessary expenditures. Focus on leveling up key heroes and enhancing artifacts that provide the most significant benefits.

Join an Active Guild Being part of an active guild provides additional opportunities to earn gold through guild activities and rewards. Participate in guild raids and events to maximize your gold income.

Monitor Market Trends Keep an eye on in-game events and market trends. Some events may offer limited-time opportunities to earn large amounts of gold. Plan your activities to take advantage of these events.


In Hero Wars, gold is a crucial resource for advancing your heroes and enhancing your gameplay. By utilizing the Emerald Exchange sparingly, completing the Tower daily, participating in events, selling excess XP potions, and leveraging the Titan Soul Shop, you can ensure a steady flow of gold. Combine these strategies with advanced tips to maximize your gold earnings and dominate the game.

FAQs for getting Gold in Hero Wars

How often should I use the Emerald Exchange?

Use the Emerald Exchange sparingly, ideally once a day to complete daily quests, but focus on other methods for substantial gold accumulation.

What is the best daily activity for earning gold?

How can I maximize gold earnings during events?

What makes the Titan Soul Shop the best gold source?

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